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I’m Chloé—a nature-loving, care-giving Native American who loves the human skeleton. Yes, you read that right. I love the human skeleton. Its breathtaking beauty holds the story of human existence and a key to understanding local and global issues both in the present and in the past. To find out more about why this is and who I am, investigate these pages. Enjoy!



Mitakuye Oyasin is a Lakota phrase that roughly translates to mean “all my relations.” This phrase acknowledges and honors the interconnectedness and importance of all things that are, have been, and will be. Mitakuye Oyasin is a prayer for sustainability that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I was taught that it is part of my responsibility as a human being to help return balance to the earth for the sake of future generations, which has inspired me to become an agent for sustainability.


Explore my academic accomplishments during my time at Dickinson College and beyond. Scroll through my writing samples, internships, and teaching experiences along with a general resume.

Field Work

From the backwoods of Moundsville, WV to the highlands of Bolivia to the mountains of Transylvania, archaeology is everywhere…

Contact Me

Feel free to send me a message.

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